Israel, Glenn D.
professor emeritus, UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, Gainesville, FL
- 4-H Archery Leader Guide: Basic and Advanced Levels, Ages 8–18 Years
- Phases of Data Analysis
- Elaborating Program Impacts through Data Analysis
- Sampling the Evidence of Extension Program Impact
- Using Secondary Data to Build Strong Extension Programs
- Using Focus Group Interviews for Planning or Evaluating Extension Programs
- The Savvy Survey #1: Introduction
- The Savvy Survey #13: Online Surveys
- Using Logic Models for Program Development
- Reporting Clientele Contacts in Workload
- Characteristics of Small Farm Operators in Florida: Economics, Demographics, and Preferred Information Channels and Sources
- Evaluation Situations, Stakeholders & Strategies
- Logic Model Basics
- What Is an Extension Program?
- Capturing Change: Comparing Pretest-Posttest and Retrospective Evaluation Methods
- Clients' Experience with FCES: Widespread Satisfaction Tempered with Suggestions for Improvement
- Identifying and Meeting the Needs of Extension's Target Audiences
- Successful Grantsmanship: Infusing Evaluation Best Practices into Proposals
- The Road to Recovery #6: Evaluating Virtual Strategies to Build Community Capacity and Resilience
- The Road to Recovery #4: Evaluating Virtual Techniques to Reach Clientele and Promote Equity
- The Road to Recovery #5: Self-Assessment of Virtual Facilitation to Build Trust
- Client Satisfaction, Perceived Service Quality and Benefits from Extension’s Information
- Raising the Quality of Extension Reporting: An Evaluation Leadership Team Model
- The Savvy Survey #2: Using Surveys in Everyday Extension Programming
- The Savvy Survey #3: Successful Sampling
- The Savvy Survey #4: Details in the Design
- The Savvy Survey #5: The Process for Developing Survey Questions
- The Savvy Survey #6a: General Guidelines for Writing Questionnaire Items
- The Savvy Survey #6b: Constructing Open-Ended Items for a Questionnaire
- The Savvy Survey #6c: Constructing Closed-Ended Items for a Questionnaire
- The Savvy Survey #6d: Constructing Indices for a Questionnaire
- The Savvy Survey #7: Formatting Questionnaires
- The Savvy Survey #8: Pilot Testing and Pretesting Questionnaires
- The Savvy Survey #10: In-Person-Administered Surveys
- The Savvy Survey #11: Mail-Based Surveys
- The Savvy Survey #12: Telephone Surveys
- The Savvy Survey #14: Mixed-mode Surveys
- The Savvy Survey #15: Survey Responses and Data Entry
- The Savvy Survey #16: Data Analysis and Survey Results
- The Savvy Survey #17: Reporting Survey Findings
- The Savvy Survey #18: Group-Administered Surveys
- The Savvy Survey #6e: Understanding How Question Type Impacts Future Analysis
- The Savvy Survey #9: Gaining Institutional Review Board Approval for Surveys
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