Khachatryan, Hayk
professor and Extension economist, Food and Resource Economics Department, UF/IFAS Mid-Florida Research and Education Center, Apopka, FL
- Florida Consumer Preferences for Ornamental Landscape Plants
- Does consumers' awareness impact their purchase likelihood of neonic-free plants?
- Import Growth and the Impact on the Florida Strawberry Industry
- Marketing Florida-Friendly Landscapes to Florida Homeowners
- Who Is Interested in Purchasing Smart Irrigation Systems?
- Effectiveness of Retail Promotions in the Green Industry by Age Group: A Case Study
- Does Eco-label Format Influence Consumers' Valuation of Fruit-Producing Plants?
- Homeowners' Preferences for Smart Irrigation Systems and Features
- Are consumers knowledgeable about neonicotinoid insecticides and pollinator-friendly plants?
- Consumer and Producer Perceptions and Preferences for Pollinator-Friendly Labeling Practices in the US Green Industry
- Toward Sustainable Urban Landscape Management: Floridians' Perceptions of Residential Landscapes and Their Maintenance Requirements
- The Other Side of the Story: Greenhouse and Nursery Producers' Perceptions about Neonicotinoid Insecticides and Pollinator Friendly Labeling
- Plant Selection Behavior and Promotion Use by Garden Center Customers
- Floridian Households’ Perceptions of Florida-Friendly Landscapes
- Pest Management Practices in the US Ornamental Horticulture Industry: Use of Neonicotinoid and Non-Neonicotinoid Insecticides
- Production Costs and Profitability for Select Greenhouse Grown Annual Bedding Plants: Partial Enterprise Budgeting and Sensitivity Analysis
- Florida Nursery and Landscape Industry Characteristics Report
- An Introduction to Florida Commodity Enterprise Budgets: A Tool to Improve Farm Business Planning
- Florida Nursery and Landscape Industry Economic Contributions Report
- Production Costs and Profitability for Selected Greenhouse-Grown Perennial Plants: Partial Enterprise Budgeting and Sensitivity Analysis
- Using Economic Incentives to Encourage Sustainable Alternative Residential Landscaping Practices in Florida
- Florida Pest Management Industry Economic Contributions Report
- H-2A Workers in Demand in the Ornamental Horticulture Industry
- Factors Affecting Consumer Preferences and Demand for Ornamental Plants
- Floriculture Crops Economic Outlook for 2014
- Eye-Tracking Methodology and Applications in Consumer Research
- Advertising and Promotions in the US Green Industry
- Economic Impacts of Highway Beautification in Florida
- Floridian Consumer Perceptions of Local Versus Organic Ornamental Plants
- US Consumer Preferences for Home Lawn Fertilizers
- Florida Consumer Perception of the Fresh from Florida Campaign on Horticulture Plants
- Florida Consumer Preferences for Indoor Foliage Plant Attributes
- Household Water Usage and Irrigation Practices
- Are consumers interested in ornamental plants that benefit pollinator insects?
- Profitability of Citrus Tree Greenhouse Production Systems in Florida
- Estimating Return on Investment (ROI) for a Behavior Change: An Evaluation Tool for Extension Programs
- Making Action Easier: Behavioral Economics and Nudges for Extension Professionals