Volume 3 of the handbook presents details on the specific cultural practices for producing greenhouse vegetables in Florida. This volume is intended to function as a major reference guide for vegetable crop production using various production systems. The information focuses on tomato and cucumber. There is information on selecting and managing the various cultural systems with respect to irrigation and fertilization. Details on tomato and cucumber are presented for several cultural systems. Extensive coverage is provided for disease and insect identification and management. Finally, information is provided for harvesting and handling greenhouse vegetables for maximizing quality. Crop production guidelines presented in this handbook would apply to greenhouse producers anywhere in a mild or subtropical climate, including most southern and southeastern states in the United States. Persons desiring further information may contact the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. For publications on greenhouse vegetable culture, contact: UF/IFAS Publications, University of Florida, PO Box 110011, Gainesville, FL 32611-0011. For information on greenhouse vegetable culture in Florida or further information on material presented in this handbook, contact the North Florida Research and Education Center–Suwannee Valley, 7580 CR 136, Live Oak, FL 32060-7434 or email: nfrec-sv@mail.ifas.ufl.edu, also visit our website at https://svaec.ifas.ufl.edu.
More Information
For the other chapters in the Greenhouse Vegetable Production Handbook, see the documents listed below:
Volume 1: Introduction • Financial Considerations • Pre-Construction Considerations • Crop Production • Considerations for Managing Greenhouse Pests • Summary
Volume 2: Physical Greenhouse Design Considerations • Production Systems • Other Design Information Resources
Volume 3: Preface • General Aspects of Plant Growth • Production Systems • Irrigation of Greenhouse Vegetables • Fertilizer Management for Greenhouse Vegetables • Production of Greenhouse Tomatoes • Greenhouse Cucumber Production • Greenhouse Nematode Management • Alternative Greenhouse Crops • Vegetable Insect Identification and Management