Gulf Coast REC
Editorial Team
- Vance Whitaker - Editor
- Jack Rechcigl - Chair, Approver
Pozos privados 101: contaminación bacteriana y la cloración de choque
SS738/SL487-SPby Yilin Zhuang y Mary Lusk. Traducido por Andrea Albertin.September 3, 2024Este documento está dirigido a los residentes de Florida que dependen de pozos privados para su suministro de agua potable. El propósito educar a los propietarios de pozos sobre los riesgos de contaminación bacteriana, particularmente después de eventos de inundación, y proporcionar una guía detallada para realizar una cloración de choque efectiva. La cloración de choque es un método crucial para desinfectar pozos contaminados y asegurar la potabilidad del agua. Además, se ofrecen recomendaciones sobre el uso correcto de cloro, la importancia de pruebas de laboratorio post-desinfección, y consideraciones sobre la posible necesidad de sistemas de desinfección continuos en casos de contaminación persistente. Critical Issue: 2. Water Quality, Quantity, and Supply
Managing Bemisia tabaci MEAM1 (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in Florida Tomato
IN1430/ENY2111by Hugh Smith and Bruno Rossitto De MarchiAugust 20, 2024Bemisia tabaci MEAM1, the sweetpotato or silverleaf whitefly, transmits tomato yellow leaf curl virus, which significantly impacts production of tomato in Florida. This publication provides information on managing Bemisia tabaci and tomato yellow leaf curl virus to growers, UF/IFAS Extension agents, and other crop protection professionals. The publication describes and explains management strategies including the prompt destruction of harvested fields, the use of metalized plastic mulches and tolerant tomato varieties, and treatment of crops with insecticides and biopesticides for the control of Bemisia tabaci.Critical Issue: 1. Agricultural and Horticultural Enterprises
An Overview of the Avocado Market in the United States
FE1150/FE1150by A. Malek Hammami, Kuan-Ming Huang, Zhengfei GuanAugust 15, 2024Driven by its healthy and nutritious attributes, the US avocado market has experienced tremendous growth over the past two decades. This publication provides a comprehensive overview of US avocado production and trade. The US avocado market, marked by the decline of already limited US domestic production, is increasingly reliant on imports, especially those from Mexico. This overview aims to inform industry stakeholders and policymakers of the current state of the industry and offer insights into its sustainability.Critical Issue: 1. Agricultural and Horticultural Enterprises
Entendiendo el modo de acción de los insecticidas y el manejo de resistencia en la horticultura de Florida (y Latinoamérica)
IN1428/ENY-2087Sby Hugh Smith, Adam Dale, Julien Beuzelin y Hector Portillo. Traducido por Isabel Bohorquez y Hector Portillo.July 26, 2024Esta publicación está diseñada para ayudar a los agentes de Extensión de UF/IFAS y al público a entender los modos de acción y el manejo de resistencia de los insecticidas, en lo que respecta a su uso en hortalizas, cultivos extensivos, césped y plantas ornamentales.Critical Issue: 1. Agricultural and Horticultural Enterprises
The United States Orange Industry: Declining Production and Climbing Imports
FE1145/FE1145by A. Malek Hammami, Yi Li, and Zhengfei GuanJune 13, 2024The US orange industry has been grappling with declining production since the early 2000s due to the outbreak of the Huanglongbing disease and various other challenges. To meet the market demand, the United States increasingly relies on imports, notably those from Mexico and Chile. This publication further explores the factors contributing to this trend and discusses potential solutions. Critical Issue: 1. Agricultural and Horticultural Enterprises